Ex 05-02


Ownship speed is 20.0 Knots and course is 245.4 degrees at beginning. 
The situational awareness is:
•    With three minutes vector length in 20.0 Knots, this vector is about 10 cables distance as above. (skill by knowing  three minutes run)
•    Ownship have two crossing vessel at starboard side (red circle), distance unknown. (sighted)
•    One overtaken vessel at starboard side has slower speed. (skill by comparing vector length)
•    Ownship have one crossing vessel at port side (green circle), distance unknown. (sighted)
•    two overtaken vessels at port side slower than ownship. (skill by comparing vector length)

The situational awareness with 6 minutes speed vector is:
•    There are 6 vessels inside the collision square (Orange square). (sighted)
•    There is no time to remember what vessel is ahead or behind, what vessel is on starboard side or port side? (suspect)
•    Ownship now knows that It is Collision area to be avoided, not the vessels(statement) 
•    Where to go for ownship? (suspect)
•    To starboard side, One port side crossing vessel (green circle) will be at ownship starboard bow after 6 minutes which block ownship way to starboard side. ( sighted) 
•    To port side, two starboard side crossing vessel (red circle) will be at ownship bow after 6 minutes which will block ownship way to port side. ( sighted)
•    To make a 360 degrees turn, many vessels inside the traffic lane. (sighted) 
•    Ownship has the option to reduce speed as fast as possible to arrive collision square later. (suspect)

After 02 minutes exercise time lapsed:
Ownship speed is 16.5 knots which decreased from 20.0 kts with engine output reduced to 53% from beginning. 
Ownship course had altered 2.6 degrees starboard side to 248.0 degrees from 245.4 degrees with rudder cycle from “starboard 10”and “Hard Port “in last minute. 
The situational awareness in 3 minutes speed vector is:
•    Ownship reduced speed once with less engine output 53%. (sighted)
•    Speed reduces 3.5 knots over 2 minute’s time. (sighted)
•    Overall situation looks good in this three minutes speed vector. (sighted)

The situational awareness in 6 minutes speed vector is:
•    Overall situation looks pretty mess in this 6 minutes speed vector. (sighted)
•    The moral is “You might not need to use too long speed vector while vessels are plenty.”(rule)

  • All vessels crossing ahead of ownship. (sighted)

After 04 minutes exercise time lapsed:
Ownship speed is 15.0knots which decreased from 16.5, 20.0 kts with engine output reduced to 55% from beginning. 
Ownship course had altered 2.3 degrees port side to 245.7 degrees from 248.0, 245.4 degrees with rudder order “Hard starboard”over last minute. 
The situational awareness in 3 minutes speed vector is:
•    Ownship reduced speed only once with less engine output 55%. (sighted)
•    Speed reduces 5 knots over 4 minute’s time. (sighted with reduction rate 1.5 knot per minute)
•    One crossing vessel from starboard side has collision risk in this three minutes speed vector (red cicrcle). (sighted)

After 05 minutes 30 seconds exercise time lapsed:
Ownship speed is 13.9 knots which decreased from 15.0, 16.5, 20.0 kts with engine output reduced to 55% from beginning. 
Ownship course had altered 1.0 degrees starboard side to 246.7 degrees from 245.7 248.0, 245.4 degrees with rudder cycling over last 2 minutes. 
The situational awareness in 3 minutes speed vector is:
•    Ownship reduced speed only once with less engine output 55%. (sighted)
•    Speed reduces 6.1 knots over 5.5 minute’s time. (sighted with reduction rate 1.5 knot per minute)
•    One crossing vessel from starboard side has collision risk is about to cross own bow (red circle). (sighted)

  • One overtaking vessel has collision risk after 3 minutes(yellow circle). (sighted)

After 06 minutes 30 seconds exercise time lapsed:
Ownship speed is 14.5 knots which increased from 13.9, 15.0, 16.5, 20.0 kts with engine output reduced to 13% in last moment. 
Ownship course had altered 4.1 degrees port side to 242.8  degrees from 246.7, 245.7 248.0, 245.4 degrees with rudder “hard starboard “over 30 seconds. 
The situational awareness in 3 minutes speed vector is:
•    Ownship reduced speed and increased speed to steady the vessel. (sighted)
•    Speed increased 0.6 knots over last minute. (sighted)

  • Ownship alter course to 4.1 degrees port side is dangerous. (sighted with chasing crossing vessel)
  • Ownship increased speed to increased rudder effect to stop the port turning rate. (sighted)
  • Ownship had no clue what side is upwind or is windward? (suspect)
  • Ownship try to rectify this foolish situation in most dense traffic area. (suspect)
  • Not knowing your current windward is foolish in good days, not knowing in bad time is disaster. (rule)
  • When ownship are expected to know the windward is the first moment we stepped in bridge. (Skill)
  • Two crossing vessels coming from port side are only intimidating (yellow circle). (sighted)
  • Ownship is using “Hard Starboard” with minimum engine Output of 15%. (sighted)
  • This is Coasting or Titanic effect which means less effective rudder effect. (statement)  

After 08 minutes 02 seconds exercise time lapsed:
Ownship speed is 14.4 knots which decreased from 14.5, 13.9, 15.0, 16.5, 20.0 kts with engine output reduced to 55 from beginning, 13% in last 2 minutes and 52% again. 
Ownship course had altered 5.5 degrees starboard side to 248.3 degrees from 242.8, 246.7, 245.7 248.0, 245.4 degrees with rudder cycling in 5 degrees heading change. 
The situational awareness in 3 minutes speed vector is:
•    Ownship speed is about 14.5 knots over last 3 minutes. (sighted)

  • Ownship alter course to 5.5 degrees starboard side is dangerous. (sighted with overtaking vessel in starboard quarter(red circle))
  • Ownship increased speed to increased rudder effect to stop the port turning rate. (sighted)
  • Ownship had no clue what vessel is around us? (suspect)
  • Ownship try to rectify this foolish situation in most dense traffic area. (suspect)

After 09 minutes 33 seconds exercise time lapsed:
Ownship speed is 13.3 knots which decreased from 14.4, 14.5, 13.9, 15.0, 16.5, 20.0 kts with engine output reduced to 55 from beginning, 13% in last 2 minutes and 52% and 0% finally. 
Ownship course had altered 5 degrees port side to 243.3 degrees from 248.3, 242.8, 246.7, 245.7 248.0, 245.4 degrees with rudder cycling in 5 degrees heading change. 
The situational awareness in 3 minutes speed vector is:
•    Ownship speed is further reduced in last 1.5 minutes. (sighted)

  • Ownship alter course to 5.5 degrees starboard side is dangerous for overtaking vessel. (sighted)
  • Ownship alter course to 4.1 degrees port side is dangerous for chasing crossing vessel. (sighted)
  • Ownship had not taken all speed out immediately. (sighted)
  • There is no safe ground inside precautionary area. (sighted)
  • Ownship should reduce engine output in the beginning as much as possible to buy more time to evaluate the situation. (statement)
  • If Ownship had not take all way out immediately means this master is not qualified. (statement)
  • Ownship had no clue what will be if ownship has no engine output in high speed? (suspect)


End of Ex 05-02


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