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By Captain John Konrad (gCaptain)

 Every ship, regardless of nationality or purpose, is required to carry one terse book . This book is titled the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions but is better know by its acronym “COLREGs”. The chapters are short and to the point and ship officers are required to make marks of 90% on COLREGs tests taken to keep up their licenses. In order to pass this stringent requirement sailors have developed mnemonic aids to help them remember the contents. When the crew loses control of steering, the COLREGs demands that the ship display two red lights in a vertical line. The mnemonic for this rule is “Red over Red, the Captain’s dead”. Sailboats are required to display a red and green light and its said “Red over Green, sailing machine”. There are many more like this but one important rule for avoiding collisions with Navy warships is missing: “If it’s grey stay away.”1

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1979年10月,我提著一大箱行李在基隆上船,太平洋衛士輪PACIFIC DEFENDER,船員都叫他WASTE破布輪,垃圾船。那是一條大約有十年船齡的硫磺船,當時我們不知道船隻會去裝硫磺肥料,大部分都是已經準備要報廢的船隻,因為硫磺肥料會腐蝕船上的鐵板,造成船艙裡面的鋼板結構脆弱。如果是新造的散裝船,一般都是去裝載穀類,只有等到船體的繡蝕到無法包養的時候(當年的漆料不好),這時如果還想要裝載穀類,就沒有辦法通過驗船師的要求(不夠清潔),就只能退而求其次,裝載鐵礦砂煤炭,在次就是硫磺肥料。那時從駕駛台上,到羅經甲板的樓梯,都已經繡掉一些了。當時,一般的認知是,這就是日本船,意思是次級船,準備使用十年,就要拆船解體的船隻。 


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幾波特船長 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

By the COLREG, the stand-on vessel should keep course and speed when the give-way vessel takes the avoidance action. This is true when only two vessels are involved in the risk of collision. If the stand-on vessel has the obligation to give way to third vessel, there is no quick solution. OOW must decide what is his priority first then he can take proper action to cope with. In the true plotting dispatched from the shore surveillance radar at Dover strait below, each dotted mark on the track is 6 minutes run. The whole track takes about 20 minutes run of the vessels at scene. In the end of the day, two vessels had a collision three miles north-west of F3 buoy. Others survived by different mental setting and techniques used.      

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